Just about to turn off phone service. I leave this weekend. See you all when I can. Matt

Matt, in trouble again… blah…

Whoohoo! Another claim to fame. I found a omake (extra.. ie: DVD Easter Egg) on Strawberry Eggs Vol. #2, which I bought a little bit ago. Four other people must have turned it in too, but my names still on the list! Whoo hoo! oh, it’s here if you want to check it out. Also, […]

Goodbye Monterey…

Ok. Just to keep you up to date. I now have my Orders, and I go in tomorrow to see when I leave. I’m going to try to drive the car to Salt Lake and then fly from there to Missouri. It should be easy enough. I work tonight and I’m going to be spending […]

Just found out, my new perm base is Pope Air Force Base, North Carolina. I guess I better start learning how to say y’all and speaking with a twang. But I WILL NOT sleep with my sister, no matter what’s accepted there. *shudder* Edit: I graduate from “mechanic” school on January 14th, then I go […]

More news… I haven’t been able to check with my Sgt yet, but as of yet, the training for my job is at: Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri At least they have a swimming pool….

My New Job…

If I’m reading this webpage correctly, my new job is 2T1X1 – VEHICLE OPERATIONS. If this is so, I’m going to be doing lots of complaining. It requires a stupid mechanical score of 30. With my 93 in EVERYTHING, I don’t see why I should have to put up with this. I’ll deal if I […]

Time to write… or something…

I figure it’s been long enough that I should write and say what’s going on. First of all, Tina was out here last week. It was a relatively a good time. Went to a play (Born Yesterday) and watched some stuff. It was kinda our one year anniversary of knowing each other, so we bought […]


Talking to darclily about meowing, and I figured out why I do it! Anime catgirls do it. And I like anime catgirls. And I want one! So I figure if I meow, it could be used as a mating call! MEOW!!! Now I just need to find one like the one here from Underpower. Meow!

When dreams come alive…

I just had a really interesting dream. It was one of those good ones where you wake up feeling all happy and special and stuff… Basically, living on the beach and in Army post is getting to me, because Army posts don’t have Swimming Pools, and the beach is too cold. (Cold enough to ask […]

New Job… or is it?

I went to talk to the Sgt after my shift asking about my new job and he laughed when he saw me. Told me my new job was Signal Intelligence Exploitation.. which.. requires a *cool noise here* security clearance! *cheers* But what is this? I don’t have my clearance yet? Well, can’t I take the […]