I never thought I would be saying this.. But I want a caddy! Check it out! Caddy, Model 5
My Poetry
I searched all my old journal entries and found all my poems. I decided to put links in this entry to keep them in one place. Enjoy. Note: These are either the title or the poems first line. If ever there was a time I did fear Boku no Tenshi I sit and I wonder […]
April Fools?
Ok.. So my last entry was an April Fools Joke… but by the looks of it nobody noticed. Oh well. I thought it was cute.. even though anyone who even remotly knows me would know it’s a joke. Whatever..
The end..
I haven’t posted in a while because things are hectic. Life is getting tough… I’m working hard to pay all these bills. It’s been tough hiding my drug habit from the military, but they’re starting to suspect. I’ve missed a few days work because I drank too much and couldn’t wake up. And now the […]
Well, some good news and some ucky… Good first. We’re going back to 8 hours shifts. No more 12 hour shifts. *cheer* We should start Monday. *smiles* Can’t wait! As for the bad. Well, my wisdom teeth are growing in all shitty like, and well, they’ve compacted and actually broke on of my back teeth. […]
Well, since some of you wonder, well at least one of you wonder whats up with me, here ya go…
I was finally able to test my computer, and well, the computer runs fine.. thank god. The monitor is dead though. I’m going to turn in the papers as soon as I can get to TMO. I might just walk there tomorrow. It was pretty sad though… I was outside begging people (well, I asked […]
My Life in General
Ok, lets see whats happening. First of all, I guess I should mention that Tina is comming out here on the 20th for 10 days. I guess it kinda sucks since I’m working nights now, but at least they were nice and gave me lots of days off for the time she’ll be here. Secondly, […]
Military Life — One Year!
Well, today was the day. What day, might you ask? Today is my ONE YEAR in the military! This deserves a special Military entry into my livejournal from me. 🙂 After one year of serving this country, I am now a BUS DRIVER for the air force! Go me! I go from Japanese linguist, to […]
Today I didn’t do much, just another saturday. I rearranged my room, went to the store, and spent most of my evening chatting to friends and watching El Hazard. I also, due to thie link on slashdot: Hacker’s Challenge 2, decided to try one of the challenges on Try2Hack. In two days, I’ve gotten to […]