Ok.. Intro to C++…. I expected to go sit in a room of computers, and watch the teacher drone on and on while I program my own thing so I can actually learn stuff. Now, while I may not be an expert, my skillset of knowledge goes beyond what is taught in a intro class. […]
Roadrunner webpage
Roadrunner decided to delete everything on my web server so not much is there anymore. I did update my school progress report and put that back up there but everything else is pretty much dead. Oh well. (Webpage info in my user info.) School starts again tomorrow… (Monday) Lets hope it’s good. Matt
Update on everything
On my way home from work… the normal 15 min drive that took about 1.5 hours… I saw fifteen (yes, 15) accidents. 3 of them were vehicle to vehicle (so yes, 6 cars). 2 were where the car flew off the road and slammed into trees or the embankment to the point where they were […]
My Wife Did This
What is Your Destiny? by Valcion Name Color Birthday Destiny Reluctant Hero Date when you fufill your destiny October 26, 2020 Created with quill18‘s MemeGen!
Go figure…
Be An Anime Character by mangacatgirl Character Name Eyes Pink Hair Big Red Afro Fashion Style Kitty Ears/Tail/Mittens Attitude Genki Role Random Student Created with quill18‘s MemeGen!
Stolen from my wife, which was stolen from a friend who raped the king of england to bring it to us
or something like that. However, I think this is one of the coolest things I’ve ever read! I never thought about how we read and it’s quite amazing. Aoccdrnig to a rsearechr at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the […]
Lazy Sunday Afternoon…
Welp, not much to do right now, but I’ll be pretty busy in the morning. I received my grades on both my essays (146 and 147 out of 150) and should get my final grades for Discrete math and Intro to Christianity tomorrow. I have my fingers crossed. I’m looking forward for next semester since […]
An observation…
I’m currently reading Terry Goodkind’s Stone of Tears. It’s the second book in the Sword of Truth series, and I enjoy them very much. As I finished a chapter, I set the book down to take a little break and think about it. The unexpected thoughts came when I looked at the book cover and […]