Start classes tomorrow. Taking Adv Programming (C++) and English 101. Grades for last term: Physics: B Intro to C++: A Sociology, The Family: A That B really irks me. My GPA now is 3.75 Anyways… we started 12 hour shifts at work. 🙁 Um… We’re going on vacation in May… And since I hardly know […]
One more note…
They blocked LiveJournal at work. I get the big red screen of death now. “This computer is authorized for official business only.” It’s supposidly the actions of people who look at porn using those lewd lj communities. So, yea.. I’ll be posting/reading at home from now on. One other thing. I start 12 hour shifts […]
Us from mars
This has to be the coolest thing I’ve seen all week. For those who wonder, that’s the mars rover Spirit looking up at the sky. The You are Here points to earth. So go outside and wave! Spirit is watching!
Strange… I guess hell does freeze over. I was awarded Airman of the Month and Airman of the Quarter today. You suprised too? I sure was.
Steak and Blowjob Day
I just don’t want you to forget. It’s comming up soon. Celebrate steak and blowjob day on march 20th. 🙂
College Choice
Soon I’ll be applying for colleges to go to. I already have my main choice, but what is your suggestion? My choice is MIT followed by CMU and Berkeley. I would put up a vote thing but I’m poor. *sigh* Give me your vote in the form of a comment please. 🙂 Matt