Matt just wanted me to give you an update. He’s in Germany now. They’re getting the plane refueled and then they’re heading to Kwait. It’s been a long flight….. 17 hours so far. *ugh* Other news… Matt got BTZ (Below The Zone). It’s an award for all his hard work, plus he’ll be getting paid […]

For those who care

If you want to mail me in Iraq, here is the address… SrA Matthew Jones 2632 AEFTC 7th Battalion LSA Anaconda APO AE 09391 I won’t be there for a few weeks so hold off on the letters. Also, it takes me a week to get your mail and a month to send it out… […]

One change

I’m going to Balad now, not mosul.

My Wife

I forgot to mention in all my bitching… My wife showed up! It’s great, I get to spend all this time with her. I love her a whole bunch. I can’t see her very much because of all that’s going on, but every second counts. (I was given one whole night right after the training, […]

Welcome back to basic training! WTF!?!?!

Ok… I should have some time now.. Lets see… I just went through what is called BC3, or Basic Combat Convoy Training course. It is run by special forces instuctors, and they teach us everything from weaponry to land navigation. However, since I’m a nobody who will prob be with most the convoys, I became […]


Training sucked… fucking special forces training and all! (Well, it was special forces instructors and stuff. It wasn’t too much fun. Right now I’m on holdover status in Texas. I’m leaving for Iraq soon. Tina brought over my laptop so I’m connecting online here… They’re treating us like basic trainees… and because of that, I […]


As of this morning, I shall be on my way to Iraq. You can assume that I won’t be able to update this often if at all. Wish me luck. I doubt I’ll put my address and stuff up here since nobody even used my email/phone number when I put those up there (except once […]

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban in 15 minutes is really well done. My compliments to cleolinda. [edit] Made this post a little more descriptive. Also, after reading more stuff from cleolinda I would also like to note that Troy in 15 minutes is also awesome. I highly recommend for a good read/laugh. 🙂


There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

Tina and I were talking about what we would look/be like if we were the opposite sex…

Tina said, “If I were a girl…” I’m really starting to wonder who.. or what I married! *cringe!* hehe… and she would be Brad Pitt… *mutter* Oh well, I’ll look sexy too when I get back. Wheeeeeeee I’ll be a catgirl. Any one. And I would scratch out your eyes. Roar!