Guard duty and Around the World in 80 Days

Welp, guard duty was a lot of nothing. We have a big tower on the south side of the base. I stand there with my M4, seven magazines of ammo (30 rounds a piece), binoculars, and not much else. I had to wear full body armor and equipment, and I couldn’t sit down for four […]

User picture

Just for knightcat I mirrored my user picture so I’m saluting with my right hand vs my left hand. 🙂 I have guard duty in a few hours so I need to go get ready. I’m going to go watch Around the World in 80 days here afterwards and then I’ll come tell you how […]

Guard Duty

I’ve been put on Guard Duty for a week or so. It’s not a bad job imho. Basically I sit in the towers surrounding the base and make sure nobody tries to sneak in and stuff. It’s four hour shifts and all so I get lots of free time… not that there is much to […]


Not much happened today. I sat through a whole lot of briefings today that covered everything form rules of engagement to where we’ll be driving. We have the safest truck company in iraq right now (and we’re also the biggest.) We have so few injuries or casulties because we’re trained really well and always diligent. […]

Balad Air Base

I’m in Iraq at Balad now. It’s not a bad place… We’ve been here for about 24 hours and we’ve been mortered twice. We live in a tent that has sandbags all around it so unless the mortar hit our tent itself, we’ll be ok. The first one woke us up this morning (we have […]

Dust devils

Dust devils are pretty cool, if I do say so myself. If you don’t notice it, you’ll start hearing sand hit stuff around you and suddenly you’ll be surrounded in a sandstorm. There’s nothing you can do until it goes away, and then you can watch it go like a baby tornado. Anyways… I don’t […]


I would just like to say that Megatokyo is still the greatest web comic ever. The end.


One other quick update about BTZ. It’s an award kinda thing where those who are the top of the squadron (kinda like the top of the department in a commercial world) get put up to go before a board and they go head to head against other people in the squadron. Anyways… if your accepted […]

Back in Kuwait

Well, after three days of no shower and eating only MRE’s (yuck) I’m back in Kuwait. I have lots of pictures that I’ll have to put up here when I can. As it stands now, I’m now a .50 cal gunner. Here is a picture of what I was shooting for your viewing pleasure. That […]


It’s really really hot here… I mean like hair dryer hot! It sucks. We’re going to the range in a couple days to do the live ammo shooting and the 50cal/mark19 shooting. On other news, I’ve had a headache for the last couple days… I thought it was from not sleeping for like two days, […]