
Avast! ’tis time once again for ye ole Talk like a Pirate Day. (Pointed out by there ole scurvy dog, insomnia) Tis t’19th o’September once again, aye! Today wasn’t too bad. Me thinks me’ve secured me position as WGM as well. I’m nay even called Equipment Support anymo’. Me guess that’s a good thin’. Me […]

Sometimes I don’t know why I try…

Well, unless you’ve been totally out of it, you know how excited I was to be given the Workgroup Manager (WM) (Administrator) position for the company. I spent almost the entire day today working to get the computers set up and have alot more work to do. However, tonight AFTER doing all this work AND […]

Welp, yet another day has gone by. Here I sit listening to my music and trying to enjoy the night. Tonight was much better than last night, I’ll give it that. Last night I was sick.. very sick.. It was prob something I ate. I felt fine, taught my class (which was allright… had a […]


Ok.. Some interesting stuff. (We’re supposed to wait 24 hours before we talk about some stuff… I don’t always obey this rule, but due to circumstance, this time I did.) On 11 Sept, we were attacked pretty bad. I started calling it the September 11th fireworks. Of the worst that I heard of was one […]

Protected: ITT is going down!

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

For better or worst…

Well, I guess we’ll see if worst comes to be or not, because things might be getting alot better! We have a new supervisor… again… and the first thing we were told was, “Ok, no more days off since this is a 7 day a week operation… and you’ll be working later at nights.” None […]

For better or worst…

… I’m stuck in Iraq. The worst? My “supervisor” going to my subordinates telling them that he thinks I’m lazy and they need to watch me and make sure I keep working. He won’t talk to me, he just tells those under me… Why does he think I’m lazy? Because I told one of the […]

Took my wifes (dagger_garnet) quiz

20 Questions to a Better Relationship eXpressive: 3/10 Practical: 5/10 Physical: 9/10 Giver: 4/10 You are a RPYT–Reserved Practical Physical Taker. This makes you a Stoic. You are intelligent, rugged, disciplined and profound. Even if you’re saddled with a desk job, you are starving for the outdoors. You are very slow to warm up to […]

Those confusing days…

So, I go back to my bed last night and get told, “Jones, You’re going on a convoy tomorrow. Stay up.” I even verified it on the manifest showing my my name and social, only wrong part was my rank which said A1C. Well, since I just put on SrA a little bit ago I […]

A bad dream… (Exerpt from my role playing group)

I’m involved in a role playing group on yahoo groups, and I wrote this just to pass the time. (Basically, I was bored waiting for others to do something to let me continue…) The background is that Strider is a thief who has a deep need to find something but doesn’t know what… only that […]