Stolen from cleolinda

Quick links before I go to sleep. The morning show hosts were suspended for their tsunami song. And go here and watch the Crazy Boromir animated gifs. Pretty funny.


Some of these science experiments looks really cool. I really want to try the one with Copper wire in Silver Nitrate when I get home. (FAQ 4) I can’t wait.

Why not catgirls?

According to the National Geographic, they have fused human cells with rabbit eggs. I guess those who want a real life playboy bunny will get their chance now, but why not catgirls? Wouldn’t that be a better use of science? *grins*

As mentioned by insomnia

Today is the bloodiest day in iraq since the invasion. 36 troops died today. My condolances to their families and loved ones. A sad day indeed. And it’s only going to get worst as the elections arrive. 🙁

Question: What is a meme?

I’ve seen friends post stuff like “I took a meme” and “Meme time!” or variations of those phrases where meme means, in general, an internet quiz. (Much like the ones down below the lj-cut.) Examples of this can be seen everywhere on google. There is even a how to write a meme page; or you […]

Chrno Crusade

I just finished Chrno Crusade. The beginning was alright, and I kinda had to go on faith that it would get better… and I think it really did. The ending is awesome. I especially like how they pull some real life events and place it in the show. Adds a bit of realism to it. […]

Man makes super death ray that see’s through walls.

Really, his alien brotheren spoke to him in a dream or something. And France is cool… ok, maybe that is going to far. If you’re curious, read this. It’s definitely #1 on my WTF charts.

Sad day in Radio (Pointed out by kurichan)

Some of you have probably heard about the infamous “Tsunami Song” aired by Hot’97, a NYC RnB radio station. If you haven’t, let me enlighten you. Basically it’s a skit making fun of everyone who was killed or caught up in the recent Tsunami. It makes fun of Asians in general as well. Here are […]

Another LotR spoof courtesy of cleolinda
Pope Group Picture

Here is a picture of everyone from my base. The plan is to give this picture along with a flag to the Wing Commander upon returning to home station. (The flag is one that has been driven around iraq in the vehicles.)