Picture of me
I got Tina a digital camera for V-day. It’s 7MP and all that jazz. Very nice. You can see a test of it here. I took a pic of myself. I’m scary, ne?
My new toy!
I didn’t mention this sooner, so I’ll do it now. Out in Iraq, I was able to get a few parts by various people. After sending it home, buying a 550W power supply, and doing a little alterations I now have a Pentium 4 2.8GHz processor with 512 MB 333mhz DDR memory. I also purchased […]
Protected: My video card tracking number
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Freon Computer Cooling
I sat down to write a idea that was bouncing in my head to use freon cooling of a computer. I thought of all the insulation concerns and whatnot, and had a good writeup going until I decided to google it. This is exactly what I was writing.. quite a waste of effort. I wonder […]
I’m cruising the information highway once again at top speeds. The main cable box is just right outside my house too so I get a sweet signal. The modem fires right up. Much better than the old “plug in and pray” that I had to deal with at my old apt. And the speed is […]
This is a test msg. It was posted using my cell phone. 🙂
Protected: Where am I?
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Another update
I found out that I’ll be the WGM at my work now. So I’ll be working on the computers. That’s nice. Also, my internet won’t be setup until next week, so I’ll only be getting on for brief moments until then.
Just for your information
I’m Home! More on this later.