Yikes.. I’m out of school, and I’m supposed to have free time… Why is not not coming! Part of the reason is because I’m too damn nice. 😛 I’ve fixed computers for two people (one being a person who just deployed and the other for one of my sgts who was going to mail it […]
I have Final Fantasy VII — Advent Children. I have it.. I want to watch it… but I need to sleep And tomorrow I work and then go to school… How can the fates be so cruel???? If you want a copy, get it quick! (via torrent) I would wait for it’s release, but it’s […]
Technical ideas
After looking at the new Hitachi DVD Recorder (uses 2x500GB disks to store data on it) I was wondering how feasable a Quadary(?) system would be. If you put two hard disks (or memory sticks, whatever) together, you can store data in a quadary system. 0 = 0 on both disks; 1 = 1 on […]
StriderA.com is now in my ownership. I’ll probably put up my webpage and get the picture galleries online. Look out for fun stuff! Whee! I have my own ip! Mine! *gasp* It’s like… I’m a whole person.. for the first time in my life. I could cry! Cyon from #topgamers has been very cool […]
Military Pay Charts
For anyone curious how much military personnel get paid… or curious as to how much I’ll get paid, you can check it all out here. I’m an E-4 with 3 years in service. In March I’ll have 4 years, and in April I’ll be an E-5. $200 pay raise. Sweeeet!
They’ve just released the line numbers to sew on in september. Generally, for SSgt anyways, they just take the number eligible and divide by 12. So, going by that information, here’s how this years chart should look like. I’ll be sewing on in April, so it appears. Maybe I’ll be lucky and it’ll be sooner. […]
Promotion Scores
Just more for my reference than anything