I had a fairly good night. Went to Morgans May Day party with Florian. I basically ended up talking to him the whole time. It’s not that I didn’t want to mingle or what not, but I felt mostly out of place. It actually reminded me of the parties Morgan threw when we were in […]
I’m coming back…
I haven’t posted in a long time. Not regularly like I once used to. I’ve been wanting to come back, but things have held me back. However, I plan to start posting more often. Hopefully I can get back into my old habits of writing every day. I’ll probably post more private entries, so friend […]
New Servers… Again
So, I finally went with an actual, well known, hosting solution. This is after having more problems with my server. I would get random 500 errors, wasn’t able to get to the control panel at times, and recently I’ve been getting disk quota errors. Hostgator is unlimited bandwidth, space, and domains, a dedicated IP, and […]
Lots of updates
I went through some of my early livejournal entries and copied some poems I wrote over to this site. Before you decide to tell me how bad the poetry is, remember, I wrote most of them 6-7 years ago and I’ve (hopefully) improved. Either way, enjoy!
New outlet
With Twitter and Facebook, I haven’t been posting as much here. I guess their marketing plan is working nicely. Either way, so I don’t just abandon everyone here, feel free to check it out: http://twitter.com/stridera and http://www.facebook.com/stridera Also, one of these days I’ll actually work on www.stridera.com… just don’t hold your breath. 🙂
Vacation time
Just posting to let everyone in SLC/Maryland know that I’m coming to visit. I fly into SLC on May 9th and will be there until May 15th. This will be to visit/relax/and see Erics wedding reception. From there I will be flying to Maryland for my Masters degree graduation. I’ll be there until the 18th […]
Note: This is a post that somehow didn’t get posted… it came up as a ‘draft’ Strange. Good news though, my grandma is fine. 🙂 — Been tired lately. My great grandma was put into the hospital for pneumonia and the hospital says she can’t have a feeding tube… We were told that we’ll be […]
Instant Confidence! and other stuff..
Since it’s getting cooler here in Silicon Valley, I decided to break out my trenchcoat. It’s an awesome coat I bought from Wilsons Leather a long time ago. I never really wore it much because the Matrix and school shootings added a bad stigma to it, but that seems to be all over now. I […]
In the mood to write
So, yesterday was my final project presentation. You can see the site we built here. (Note: May be removed at any time.) Since I didn’t feel like dropping a couple hundred dollars to watch a little presentation, I stayed home and listened to it over a conference call. I’m almost wishing I never called in. […]
I am just finishing up the last class required for my Masters degree. I’ll be graduating on May 16th in Maryland. If anyone wants tickets, let me know. More info here.