Some of my english homework

Every now and then you write something that impresses yourself a little. While I was finishing some english homework, I reread what I wrote and was somewhat impressed. So, of course, I’m posting it for praise and whatnot. (Yea, at least I’m honest!) Actually, it does give you a view into why I joined the […]

My cock riding a racoon…

Due to the incredible want to see this… I finally present.. my cock riding a racoon. At two angles for your viewing pleasure!

Your long awaited update…

Ok ok ok.. I”m still alive… Please don’t kill me… Yikes.. I sat down with a lot to say and now I’m not sure where to start. Lots have happened so I guess I have to figure out what to include and what not to… Lets see… I went to the Everquest Fanfaire. Figure I […]

The word of the Day: CUM

Yes, it is. Really. It was on my google homepage. See the word CUM Today 🙂

They sent me home from work… I’m on days now. Fucking military.

Update on Deployment

Ok, they called me a day later and told me that now I’m not going. I’m on standby. But they also said that it could change again just as easy. *sigh* If they’re going to send me, couldn’t they do it without messing with me too? So they tell me that effective immedatly I was […]

It’s come again…

Back to the desert. I’m supposed to leave next month.

Old Picture of Clint and I…
Mind reader

Want your mind read? Click Here And if your curious to how it works, let me know.

Your own soundtrack…

One of the better roleplaying systems I’ve played is called GURPS. It stands for Generic Universal Role Playing System. As the name suggests, it’s very versitile and can be used to roleplay in almost any situation. When you create your characters, you get a certain number of points and you distribute these points into your […]