According to CNN Money, Software Engineer is listed as the #1 job in america. Now, all I need to do is get out of the military and actually jump into it. Another year and some change…. I so can’t wait.
Been a while.
Quite a while… I was pretty good with posting for a while. School (semi-)started and I’ve been dealing with homework. While it’s just the beginning, I can already tell that my Masters degree is going to take a lot more time than my B.S. took. (I know that to most that would be an obvious […]
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The promised update
Soo… lets see. I spent the last two weeks in Utah doing chores. Yes, chores. Well, not all the time, but all in all, Tina and I had a total of like five hours by ourselves. I BARELY got to see Clint twice (BBQ’d some steaks in the canyon and went to say goodbye to […]
If people like me so much, why do they want to overthrow me?
If You Ruled the Land . . . by wackyweasel Your first name: How you gained your rule: Military coup, of course! They never saw it coming . . .Walked in and took the throne while they were at lunchRightful heir!!Strategic poisoning . . .Mind controlAsked for it really nicely, ‘pretty please’No idea . . […]
The full story…
Ok… so I have some downtime at work, and I figure I would update ya on my pathetic life. 😉 Daisy completely sucked me into World of Warcraft. (And, in return, I pulled Phil (my neighbor) into it.) There are a couple thing I LOVE over everquest: 1) No Endgame! I don’t have to raid […]
Thank you Mr. Bush…
Went to bed at around midnight last night… Getting ready for work at 5am.. on zero sleep… just a lot of tossing and turning… Why? Because the President decided to grace us with his presence… This sucks… I’m going to be so tired in a few hours…