Happy Birthday Tina!

For anyone who is curious.. This is me on WOW. Scary, eh?

Washington D.C.

So, I’m going on “vacation” to Washington D.C. on Sunday to Wednesday. Anyone have tips on what I should visit while I’m up there?

Spring Classes == me broke

So, start Round 2 of my graduate classes. Classes start on the 24th of January and end on 10 May. (Just in time for my anniversary.)


I forgot to post this, but it’s so cool I couldn’t let it pass… http://www.badastronomy.com has article talking about the top 10 Astronomy images of 2006. While most are pretty cool, #1 just blew my mind. (It’s now the desktop on my laptop.) For those who don’t want do do the clicking, just Click Here […]

Christmas Update and other cool stuff

I may be gone for the next week or so because they’re (maybe) sending me up to D.C. to help out with President Ford’s funeral. I think it will be a nice honor and I look forward to it. As for my Christmas, it wasn’t too bad. Put up the tree just before and will […]

Christmas Family Portrait
So, with less than a week left.. who wants a card?

If anyone wants a E-Card… from me.. personalized with all my goodness… Reply and give me your email address. (Comments screened.) You have my guarantee that you’ll get one e-card per email address given! (Warning: Giving multiple email address may increase the maturity rating of the card due to language.) 😉 So, Merry Christmas and […]

It’s… over *gasps for breath*

So, I just submitted my final for my first masters program course. We were given plenty of time to work on the final (which was the hardest test I’ve ever taken…) but, lucky me, I got stuck in the middle of an exercise on base. 12 hour shifts where more than 6 of those are […]

Bridge to Terabithia

I’ve mentioned before (but I can’t find it to link…) that Bridge to Terabithia was an awesome book. I first read it in early Junior High and read it again when Tina sent it to me in Iraq. Well, now Disney is releasing a movie based on the book. Walt Disney Pictures’ Bridge to Terabithia […]