This is for comments from my webpage until I have some extra time to get the database up and running.
A community for writers… who can’t write?
During one of my (many) breaks of my midterm, I decided to look up communities for writers on Orkut. No big deal, just something where I can read about other writers. And, one of the communities with the biggest member count has this introduction: ITS A COMMUNITY BONDING ALL THE WRITERS … WHETHER PROFESSIONAL OR […]
Webpage Update
I updated the main page on my website and added a calender. I wanted something that described myself better instead of that offered to waste the readers time. 🙂 Let me know what you think.
For other software engineers.
I’m doing my midterms now, and while researching I found this: If you’re not a software engineer, you prob don’t get it… but it’s funny.
A new hope.
I just read my last post. I wrote it to blow off some steam and just to write, and ended up sounding emo. Heh. I have more faith in myself than my prior post suggests, but I’m just frustrated with myself since I haven’t really participated in anything big over the last little bit. Working […]
The Future.
It is 9:30pm for me, and this ends another day where I have accomplished very little. I was thanked for all the hard work I’ve done over the last two weeks. A few words, and I feel very little from them. They promise time off, which will be nice since I’m so far behind on […]
Goodbyes, and no rest for the weary.
So, today we had our farewell for all our deployers. There are quite a few of them and they leave this weekend. It also leaves our shop down to about 10 people. Means these 12 hours shifts don’t look like they’ll dissappear anytime soon. It does mean, however, that I will (most likely) never see […]
Because I’m curious… Sitemeter Link remove. Moved to my webpage. Too late, your marked now. 🙂