Christmas Update and other cool stuff
I may be gone for the next week or so because they’re (maybe) sending me up to D.C. to help out with President Ford’s funeral. I think it will be a nice honor and I look forward to it.
As for my Christmas, it wasn’t too bad. Put up the tree just before and will take it down pretty soon as well. It minimizes the damage that two cats can do to it. Since money has been hard to keep lately (new car/consolidation loan to pay off everything before I get out of the military), Tina and I decided to go the gift card route. It ensures they get something they want and saves us about $200 in shipping costs.
Also, you guys made it easy on me since NOBODY gave me their email address for a christmas card. I guess my cards aren’t as cool as they used to be. 🙁
As far as gifts go.. Tina picked out most of her gifts, but things she received with my name on the tag were: A nice dress, a new coat, a “Art of calligraphy” book, and a really nifty Calligraphy Pen, Nibs & Inkwell Set and the Desperate Housewives game.
I received from Tina:
Other gifts include Pillows from my father and gift cards from everyone else. Which all went to food. I hate being broke. XD
Anyway, we’re working 12 hour shifts through the holidays, so I’m worn out. I only have an hour left though… I have tomorrow off though… I’ll try to survive. Later~
Filed under: Uncategorized - @ December 29, 2006 5:58 am
Tags: christmas, gifts, president ford