So… I’ve been accepted to beta test EQ’s new server. That might keep me occupied for a bit. Don’t know. I still need to go watch the Da Vinci Code and X-Men too. Also, the Animazement is this weekend. I need more time! 😛
That’s if I can convince Tina to be my friend anyway. I wasn’t posting to make her the enemy. I wasn’t posting to put her down or anything. I was just posting to say I was confused. That’s all. And I really still don’t understand….
But I’ll give you guys some background that might make you understand her a little more. Last week was our anniversary. I tried to get flowers then, but the hotel we stayed at had no services to provide them in the room. Also, I found a few flower shops by where we were, but we were always off in the city until way after they closed. So, in the end, I never got her flowers. (Really, the only thing I did ‘get her’ were two Coach purses that she bought from the store beforehand. Who knew purses could cost so much..)
So anyway, when I brought these flowers home, she instantly assumed they were ‘anniversary’ flowers. I’ve been telling her all week I would get her flowers today, and I still intend to, but it’s just been a hassle. The flowers yesterday were just because they looked good to me… even if they were wallmart flowers, half dead, and would make baby Jesus cry.

Front view of them… can’t really see how deathly they look from it I guess. I liked the purple though.

A view from the side.

And see! The cats at least like them…
So yea… I’m going off to buy stuff and try to convince the wife to come to X-Men with me and a couple of my friends. Wish me luck! 😉
Also.. note to self… According to My page I’ve been listening to Miz way too much.
Filed under: Uncategorized - @ May 26, 2006 3:14 pm