Wolfs Rain
Tina and I just finished watching Wolf’s Rain. It was a pretty good show, and I’m glad we were able to watch it together. If nothing else, it’s nice being able to spend as much time together as possible before our forced separation. As much as I don’t want it to happen, it’s coming upon us way too quick. These little moments almost stop time for the time being.
Wolf’s Rain was sad and had its own fair amount of separation and sadness in it. The ending was pretty cut and dry, but it didn’t say how it came to be. I’m pretty sure I’ll need to wait a while and think on it before I have a true opinion of it.
The animation was awesome though. It flowed well and kept me waiting for the next. That was nice.
Well, it’s almost 3am, and tomorrow is a big day. I find out if I get promoted or not. Wish me luck.
Sgt Strider… I hope 🙂
Filed under: Uncategorized - @ August 10, 2005 2:41 am