For the record,
I didn’t have any illusion when I joined that I would avoid danger, it was just a part of the job that I felt was required to maintain our safety. Our country was founded on the blood of soldiers who liberated and protected our shores. We are who we are because of the sacrifice of those men and women. On memorial day we paid homage to those, and I wear the uniform in respect of those men. I wear it because of my friends and family that I care for and love. It may be in Iraq, but it still affects our homeland. I don’t plan on letting my blood pave the path to freedom, but I will freely give my sweat and tears. I give those in the name of those I protect, and those I love.
I don’t need anyone telling me that what I’m doing is wrong. I don’t need people telling me that my efforts are wasted over there. I do not yet hold the capacity to make the decisions that govern the military, but I do hold the power to possibly save another’s life or do my job. Those are my orders, and those are what I will do. Although others may not see it as affecting the US directly, there are things people don’t understand. There are things I don’t even understand.
I only ask for understanding. Perhaps a smile. And when I come back, a welcome home.
Until then, only patience and love.
For I doubt I will get much of either from those in Iraq.
Filed under: Uncategorized - @ June 4, 2004 12:09 am